Filtration systems are necessary to achieve clean and pure products spanning a range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, beverage, and power generation. We’ve compiled a list of possible contaminants that are industry specific and a breakdown of how they work.

What is the Goal of Filtration?

To achieve clean and pure products spanning a range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, industrial and municipal water, petrochemicals, automotive, and construction equipment, or power generation. ESA offers a complete line of single and multi-bag filter housings designed to meet the needs of the most demanding applications, covering the full spectrum of the most exacting absolute filtration to cost effective means for quality filtration.

What does a bag filtration system do?

Bag Filtration uses disposable media to remove or concentrate solids from process flow. The recommended bag filter material type and porosity varies depending on the industry and application in which they are used. Typical applications for industrial bag filtration systems include the treatment of groundwater, cooling water, industrial process water and wastewater. In short, bag filters are used to remove suspended solids from liquids.

Industry specific uses of Industrial Filter Bags

The bag filter material type and pore size can differ from industry to industry and application to application. Using the wrong filter material can decrease the life of the filter and/or pass unwanted material downstream. Likewise, the filter housing material type can differ from application to application as well. Selecting the correct filtration is critical to the success of the application. Let ESA be your trusted advisor in creating a solution to meet your needs.


Common Industrial Applications:

Chemical – Catalyst recovery, removal of pipe scale, polishing of aqueous process fluids, alkalis, acids and solvents, filtration of emulsions and dispersions, gel removal from resins. Activated carbon or catalyst removal in the fine chemicals industry is a typical example of a demanding application in chemical processing. ESA filter bags meet the requirements for high efficiency, yet also offer long service life and reliability.

Metalworking – Filtration of hydraulic oil, pre-treatment system filtration, precious metal recovery, metalworking fluids and drawing compounds. Parts cleaning machines use our filter bags for minimizing residual dirt on parts.

Paint and lacquer – Removal of agglomerates, removal of paint coagulates, solvent filtration, removal of storage contaminants, filling lines, paint mixing lines and monomer purification.

Pharmaceutical – Recovery of expensive active ingredients, catalyst recovery, active carbon purification and removal, filtration of gelatin, hormones, vitamin extracts, polishing of herbal mixtures, protein removal from plasma, filtration of saline solutions.

Resins, plastics, inks and coatings – Oil and polymer filtration, dispersions, polymerization batches, resins for can coatings, plastics compounding, printing ink, plastics processing, paper coatings, high-purity ink-jet fluid filtration.

Water treatment – Well water filtration, water treatment plants, silt removal, pipe scale removal, sand and algae removal from sea water, ion exchange resin recovery, calcium deposit removal, filtration of chemicals used for water treatment, dust removal from cooling tower installations.

Automotive – Filtration of pre-treatment bath, filtration of e-coat, top coat and clear coat, primer, paint ring line filters, parts cleaning fluids, drawing compounds, lubricants, metal working fluids and pump intake filters.

Electronics – Wafer and chip processing, electronic etching baths, photochemical polishing, and high purity water filtration and pre-filtration of various membrane filtration processes to improve their cost-effectiveness. ESA filter bags demonstrate the required purity, efficiency and consistent performance.

For more information about this or other liquid filtration systems contact ESA today.



Arthur Pue

Arthur Pue is the President of Engineering Sales Associates. Connect with him on LinkedIn.