
If you’re wondering how to optimize your compressed air system and the benefits that it provides, Engineering Sales Associates has your answers. From matching supply to demand to maintaining your system, there are many things you can do to make your compressed air system work at its best.

Match Supply and Demand

Matching supply to demand is one of the most important things you can do to optimize a compressed air system. To start, you will need to assess the demand side production from your plant and get a machine that is sized accordingly. If you get a machine that is too large or too small, your plant will operate inefficiently. If you get an air compressor that is too large, the compressor will work at just a partial load capacity, which wastes significant amounts of energy.

To help match supply and demand, schedule an appointment with a professional for an audit. Know your equipment and keep track of its ideal pressure range so that you know if it goes above or below that level. Having properly-sized storage tanks will create a smoothing effect on the demand side. Lastly, a professional can look for waste points in the compressor that reduce its efficiency, such as employees using air for cleaning up.

Let the Air Compressor Breathe

A compressor needs breathing room to function properly, and it also needs the right kind of air. Temperature is also important. Cooler air will compress more easily, and it also improves the compressor’s efficiency. Reducing the amount of moisture that your compressor is exposed to will also make it operate more efficiently. Another tip is to be aware of the surrounding environment. Don’t put the compressor in a dusty or dirty spot, as doing so will increase the risk of problems from contamination and particles getting into the system.

Proper Maintenance

Maintaining your compressor properly is also key. Having a professional perform regular preventative maintenance makes the compressor more efficient. A proper maintenance plan includes pressure washing the heat exchangers and flushing the system with a descaler to maintain optimal operating temperatures.

Optimizing the infrastructure is another critical aspect of system maintenance. An optimization plan includes choosing pipes of the correct size, which entails accounting for demand during peak operating times and deciding on pipes that can meet maximum demand. Choosing pipes that are undersized can create system inefficiencies. Efficient piping runs will also get rid of choke points and the overuse of harsh corners and bends. Using leak detection technology, a professional can also look for points of loss and provide an estimate for the associated cost of repairing leaks. Lastly, ensuring that you have the right-sized filters and air treatment equipment on the downstream side of your system is important for optimization.

Contact Engineering Sales Associates today for optimizing your compressed air system.

Arthur Pue

Arthur Pue is the President of Engineering Sales Associates. Connect with him on LinkedIn.