Compressed air systems may have air leaks through pipe connection fittings, float type drains and other components within. By investing in an automatic piping shutoff device, you could save time, energy and lots of cash.

Regardless of the age of your air piping system, you may still find yourself spending time and money to locate and fix air leaks. A typical compressed air system may continue to have air losses through pipe connection fittings, leaking float type drains and over time with equipment use during your manufacturing process.

By installing an automatic piping shutoff device, you can quickly take control of your air losses as an alternative to investing in costly leak detection devices or redoing existing piping. At the end of the working day, an automatic piping shutoff device located just after the receiver tank can be programed to close off the air flow and save the generated compressed air in the air receiver.

We recommend the Jorc Air-Saver to resolve these issues. The Jorc Air-Saver (pictured below) is typically installed on the air outlet of the air receiver. Alternatively, it can be installed to help larger facilities to close off certain parts of the compressed air system, where during certain parts of the day no compressed air is required.


For more information contact Engineering Sales Associates today.


Arthur Pue

Arthur Pue is the President of Engineering Sales Associates. Connect with him on LinkedIn.