Industrial air compressors are an asset to any commercial production application. The right air compressor can help your system increase its efficiency and speed. But choosing whether to buy or rent your industrial air compressor may be hard. Luckily, there are ways to ensure you make the right choice for your business, whether you buy or rent your compressor.

Things to Consider about Obtaining an Air Compressor

First, there are a few things you should think about when deciding whether you want to rent or buy an industrial air compressor.

  • How often do you plan on using your compressor? If you intend to use an industrial air compressor as your primary source of compressed air, and your application requires compressed air use frequently, purchasing your own air compressor that is both durable and long-lasting is likely the best option. If your application doesn’t require frequent use of your industrial air compressor, or its only intended use is for standby air, purchasing an air compressor may not be worth it for you.
  • Are rented air compressors readily available near you? Another thing to keep in mind is the availability of quality rented compressors in your area. This may limit your options when it comes to finding the right air compressor for your specific needs. Calling local air compressor suppliers and rental companies is the best way to determine the options (purchasing or renting) that are available to you.
  • What is your total cost expenditure renting versus buying? Whether you decide to rent or buy your industrial air compressor, it’s a big purchase for your company. Think about whether the cost of purchasing a compressor, including upkeep, maintenance, and storage, will outweigh the costs of renting a unit. While buying your air compressor is a high upfront cost, renting may be more costly over time, depending on the needs of your application.
  • Consider your budget. While renting an industrial air compressor may seem like the most cost-friendly option, the amount of money you save through rental diminishes each time your rental is renewed. Expecting to rent a compressor many times in the future may warrant the purchase of a unit instead.

Purchasing an Industrial Air Compressor

If your application asks a lot of your air compressor, purchasing your own is likely the better option. Be sure to choose a durable, high-quality machine that will fulfill your application’s compressed air demands for years to come with proper maintenance. Applications with high capacity requirements should usually opt for a purchased air compressor, as rental units that perform at high capacity are rarely available.

While renting may help you avoid making a large purchase upfront, over time, the cost of an air compressor rental may amount to more than the initial purchase of the same unit. Air compressor rental options are also typically more limited than purchasing options. Buying your air compressor gives you more alternatives regarding fuel efficiency and space requirements, saving you money in the long run.

Purchasing your industrial air compressor also saves you the hassle of working with a rental agreement. Your air compressor is available for use whenever you need it without having to schedule all of your air compressor work during the rental period of your unit.

Renting an Industrial Air Compressor

Applications that require less frequent use of compressed air may benefit more from a rented compressor, as the expenditure for a purchased compressor likely won’t make sense financially. When compressors are required infrequently, the cost of purchasing an industrial air compressor just doesn’t make sense. A good rule of thumb is if your air compressor usage is at less than 60 percent, renting may be your best option. Air compressor rentals save your business money on routine maintenance, insurance, and warranties, not to mention the initial cost of purchasing a unit. Applications requiring compressed air for a special project or seasonal work are typically better off renting their unit than letting it collect dust in storage during the off-season.

How to Choose Whether to Rent or Buy?

Deciding whether it is more beneficial to rent or purchase an industrial air compressor is a unique business decision, and there is no overall right or wrong answer. However, keeping a few things in mind can help aid your decision-making process. The frequency with which you plan to use your commercial air compressor, the budget you have to work with, and the availability of an air compressor that meets your business’s needs all factor into making that important business decision.

ESA for Your Industrial Air Compressor Needs

Our trained and certified technicians here at ESA are available to help you decide whether to buy or rent your industrial air compressor. With over six decades of experience, we’re ready to help you understand your options and discuss the needs of your commercial application to determine the best course of action for you and your business. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and ensure you make the right choice when it comes to your industrial air compressor needs.


Arthur Pue

Arthur Pue is the President of Engineering Sales Associates. Connect with him on LinkedIn.