As the seasons change, your industrial air compressor system’s needs also change. Prepping your system for the winter is vital to continuously meet production demands and ensure the efficiency of your system.

Planning in advance when it comes to winterizing your air compressor system establishes that your system is ready for cold weather and can keep performing at the rate and efficiency your application requires. Winterizing your equipment also helps ensure your system lasts through the season without any operating issues or damage. You’ll want to keep a few things in mind when winterizing your air compressor system, just to ensure you have all your bases covered.

Why is Winterizing Your Air Compressor Important?

Winterizing your air compressor system may take a little time and effort, but that effort pays off in long-term advantages. Winterizing guarantees that your operation is protected, saving you time and money spent on repairs or replacement parts if your system is not correctly safeguarded. Here are some of the many reasons you’ll want to winterize your industrial air compressor system:

  • One of the biggest benefits of properly winterizing your industrial air compressor system is saving money. If your system is prepared for the winter, your business will save ample energy costs.
  • Winterizing your system also helps to reduce the need for repairs to your system. This saves you money and helps to avoid unplanned downtime for repairs to be completed.
  • If moisture gets into your system, it can cause internal damage to your equipment. Preparing your system for the winter helps to prevent moisture issues within your system, avoiding potential damage.

Planning ahead and winterizing your system before temperatures drop can help to ensure your system is performing at the optimum levels. This helps to reduce overhead expenses and limit downtime for your system.

Tips for Winterizing Your Industrial Air Compressor System

So now that you know the benefits of winterizing your air compressor system, here are a few tips to help you winterize properly:

  • Keep your system well-maintained. Performing routine scheduled maintenance services on your air compressor system helps ensure your system can handle the day-to-day requirements of your application. Well-maintained systems perform better, require fewer breaks for repairs and replacement installations, and perform more consistently throughout the seasons than those not regularly tended to. Scheduling maintenance check-ups shortly before the seasons change allows you to make any repairs or install any replacements needed before the temperatures change.
  • Keep an eye out for heat leaks. Overall maintenance checks should be done at least bi-annually for any industrial air compressor system. During these checks, you should carefully inspect every part of your system for any heat leaks. If any leaks are discovered, make sure to address them promptly. If heat is escaping your system, the likelihood of your system freezing in cold temperatures increases.
  • Look for condensation within your tanks. If condensation accumulates within the tanks of your system, there is a chance that moisture can freeze and cause problems with your equipment. Schedule frequent inspections to ensure you don’t need to worry about condensation build-up.
  • Check and replace your weatherstripping if needed. You want to make sure to inspect all of your equipment thoroughly to verify it is in good condition before the winter season begins. If the weatherstripping on your machinery looks worn or damaged, get it replaced as soon as possible before temperatures drop during the winter.
  • Adjust the louvers within your system. You can utilize the heat that escapes your system by capturing and recirculating it. When temperatures drop during the winter season, use the louvers to direct that heat back toward the compressor, which helps keep the system warm.
  • Winterize different parts of your system, including the condensate drains and bowls. Ensure your system’s outdoor drains or exposed sections of drain lines have heat trace tape to protect them from below-freezing temperatures.
  • Use heat trace tape to protect your system. Heat trace tape is a great tool to add to your winterizing arsenal. This tape can be used in a multitude of different areas of your system to protect it against the cold. Use heat trace tape on any exposed sections of the drain line or pipes to help them continue running smoothly without ice build-up.

Why Choose ESA for Your Air Compressor Needs?

At ESA, we’re ready to help solve all of your air compressor system problems. Whether you need help with repairs and maintenance or you just have questions about your application’s needs, our experts are here for you at Engineering Sales Associates. Call us today to schedule an in-person consultation or have your questions answered over the phone.



Arthur Pue

Arthur Pue is the President of Engineering Sales Associates. Connect with him on LinkedIn.