A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and this adage holds true in a compressed air system. Several parts are required for your air compressor to function properly, and without each of these components working harmoniously, you won’t get the air you need. Among the most important components is the air end.

What is the Air End?

If you don’t know your way around all this air compressor lingo, it may be helpful to start with a quick definition. The air end is extremely important, as it’s the part of your air compressor where the actual compression of air takes place. It’s at the heart of it all where the actual compression takes place.

Inside each air end, you’ll find male and female rotor parts which rotate in opposite directions. These rotors physically squeeze the air through sheer external force. An oil film is included, as well, which works as a coolant, lubricant, and seal.

Air ends are intended to generate steady and continuous airflow. And, when properly built, they are made to be durable and resistant, even in harsh environments. Because of their ruggedness, air ends are often used in construction, mining, firefighting, and other applications where the environment can be challenging. In applications where continuous air compression is required, screw air ends are ideal.

Common Air End Problems

While screw air ends are made with longevity in mind, sooner or later, even the most robust air end will require maintenance or repair. Often, this happens due to simple wear and tear. The most common problem with air ends is simply that the rotors get worn down, requiring replacement or repair.

Due to the complexity and significance of the air end, it’s usually recommended that you leave the maintenance to a credible professional. That’s where Engineering Sales Associates comes in. We have provided air end rebuilding solutions for clients across the country for over six decades.

About Our Air End Rebuilding Services

At Engineering Sales Associates, we can locate and install rotary screw air end parts for all types of compressors, ranging from 10 HP to 1,000 HP.

No matter your air compressor’s specific needs or dimensions, we’re happy to provide a custom rebuild, allowing you to once again enjoy a fully functional air compressor that provides steady and continuous air. The first step in the process is simply reaching out to Engineering Sales Associates to let us know what you need.

Schedule an Air End Rebuild with ESA

The air end is one of many components that helps your air compressor run smoothly. It happens to be one of the most mission-critical components, helping ensure a steady stream of air.

If you have an air end that needs some maintenance or repair, or even a complete air end rebuild, we invite you to contact Engineering Sales Associates. We have a proven track record of helping our clients get their air compressors back up and running with as little downtime as possible. Contact us whenever you’re ready to discuss air end rebuilding options.

Arthur Pue

Arthur Pue is the President of Engineering Sales Associates. Connect with him on LinkedIn.